Deer Repellent Service
Deer are beautiful creatures, but they can be disastrous for your precious plants like hostas, tulips, or a host of other plants, trees and shrubs.
Our deer repellent services are all natural and applied directly on foliage. Our lasting spray coats surfaces with an undetectable clear film that helps plants retain their moisture during unseasonably dry and drought conditions. Environmentally safe to all wildlife including humans, pets and aquatic life, our deer repellent will protect your plants, trees and shrubs from costly and unsightly deer damage.
With nothing more than a slight odor that becomes undetectable to humans after 24 hours, our deer repellent is proven to be an effective solution to stop deer in their tracks and “retrain” them to stay out of your yard – the only thing better would be a physical fence!

Created with animal protiens and other organic elements, the key to our formula is the use of natural, safe ingredients that have been time-tested and proven to frighten and naturally repulse deer and other herbivores. Active ingredients include garlic, clove oils, and other pungeant repellents.
How long will each application last?
Each of deer repellent application will prevent deer from feeding on plant material for up to 1-3 months, depending on weather conditons.
What is your treatment plan?
During the growing season, we also do treatments monthly, from April to October. In order to effectively fend off deer throughout the year, we also do one treatment in late winter. During each treatment, we spray all shrubbery, trees, perennials, and annuals with an all natural professional-grade deer repellent. This helps to ensure that we are able to preserve your plant life without harming deer, pets and other creatures that might roam throughout your yard.
Contact Green Envy for a quote today or call us with questions at 262-617-4048.